Integrated Movement Studies is an Institution dedicated to the study of human movement.

Integrated Movement Studies has offered the prestigious Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analyst (CLMA) certification program for generations, producing hundreds of experts in the interdisciplinary field of human movement.

In addition to our certification program, IMS offers immersion workshops and continued education classes throughout the year.

Movement is omnipresent. An understanding of how movement communicates meaning has direct applications in many fields.

Artists, therapists, non-verbal communication researchers, athletes, anthropologists, physical therapists, and body workers are just some of the professionals who find value in IMS’s Laban/Bartenieff educational opportunities.

Our faculty of internationally recognized movement educators have contributed greatly to the evolution of the Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis material, and have helped establish it as one of the most comprehensive systems of movement description and understanding available today.


Image credit to Carole Volpe

Colleen Wahl

Sarah Donohue

Cat Kamrath Monson

Melissa Mirza

Madegan Lynch

Erin Law


  • Observe

    Learn to observe the qualitative and quantitative elements of complex human movement.

  • Experience

    Deepen your understanding of movement theory by connecting your own internal experiences.

  • Apply

    Put your knowledge into practice by planning classes, facilitating hands-on sessions, and presenting a final application project.

When you study movement with IMS, you learn to work with and through the moving body.

You will leave transformed, inside and out.